Friday, March 13, 2009

Postcards, Among Other Things

I received eleven postcards from my beloved today, and am told that was just the start. What a treat! My mother collected spoons from my father's, brother's, sister's, and my travel. My postcards are my style of spoons - paper, which I love, colorful, and space enough to send her love. It was the best surprise.

On an unrelated note, I signed up to "meet" weekly with a health coach. She calls every Friday evening and we work on eating right, exercising, and managing my stress. And every Friday she asks if I met my goals for the week and of course I tell her "Yes! In fact I exceeded my set goals!" And she says "Oh my, I am so impressed with how well you are doing. You are so passionate about improving your life." Goodness me! It's not that I am lying. I'm just exaggerating slightly to impress her. It's hard when it's over the phone - she can't see me eating chocolates and chips when I'm supposed to be drinking water and eating an apple! I promise to do better next week and to be more honest.

On a slightly related note, my father, and now Michele, are nagging me to finish my Master's thesis. They may not believe me, but I am really thinking about getting ready to start making a plan to get things organized to make the arrangements necessary to get everything together to get started on that again. That's my goal for this week. And when you ask me if I met my goal, of course I will tell you . . .

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