Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Michele's Coming Home!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Trees Masquerading as Lilacs
Friday, May 22, 2009
My Little Baby Bean Stalk
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Health Screenings
Monday, May 18, 2009
Organic Fertilizer
Visit Finale
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Adventures with Mum
Yesterday, Mum and I took a long, long, long walk. Actually, it was about an 8 1/2 hour walk. . . it just happened to be inside two craft stores. We spent 6 1/2 hours walking through every single aisle of the new Hobby Lobby here in the Rochester area. So very fun. We actually had to take a break halfway through and go have lunch, then we came back a soldiered on. There is a Joann store right across the street, so we spent the next two hours there. Our plan was to walk its aisles, too, but they were having problems with the HVAC so it was miserably hot in there. Since we couldn't stand it in there for long, we planned a targeted attack and just hit the main highlights: fabric, beads, yarn, and sewing machines. We had a ball!
Today, we plan on returning to the Lilac festival and I have promised my mom that we will not walk behind any tents this time - though I still believe those were all food tents or empty craft tents. It actually looks like it might rain today, so we may have to make our sojourn to the festival a quick one. We could spend the rest of the day at my favorite Joann's - they don't have any problems with HVAC!
In the evenings, my mother has been forcing me to watch copious amounts of Star Trek. She insists that we spend hours watching episode after episode. Last night, I actually begged her to let me go to bed - I couldn't keep my eyes open - but she just told me to put on another episode! Eventually, I had to go to bed and left her watching what I think was the 6th episode of the night! I think I am out of Star Trek DVDs, so I may get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I didn't finish a lot of the projects I thought I would before Mum got here, so instead of showing her around the finished projects, I showed her the rooms the projects will be in and described how it would be when it was done. This worked out perfectly and is actually a technique we used quite often in the past. Once we went to look at an apartment I wanted to move into. It was awful, but I really wanted to live there because my best friend lived upstairs. My mom walked with me room to room and described how they WOULD be once projects were complete. For example, in the dining room she said, "Shelly, after the landlord rips up the dog urine stained olive green shag carpet you'll have beautiful hard wood floors through out!" So, we had the landlord rip up the carpet as a condition of the lease. Unfortunately, he also put down sheets of plywood over the "beautiful hardwood" floors and said "well, you said you wanted hardwood floors. This here wood is hard, isn't it?" Sometimes our imaginations aren't replicated in reality, but she and I have so much fun dreaming!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Weedwacking and Other Weekend Adventures
After our call, I went out and started to work on the yard (with no intention of weed wacking). Totally unsolicited, Rita came out and said, "Michelle, you can't just cut the grass. You need to trim around the edges with that wacker." (I swear it was the first thing she said to me!) I responded, "I know, but I don't know how to use it (and my dad told me not to try)." She kindly offered to do it for me - I love my neighbor! It actually went very well, except for the weed wacking of my leg. You may be wondering how my leg got weed wacked if I didn't use the weed wacker. That's a good question. You see, Rita offered to use the wacker, but couldn't see how to connect the extention cord - she wasn't wearing her glasses - so I did that part. Unfortunately, I had the wacking string too close to my leg and was holding down the start button when I plugged in the cord. It only wacked me a little - didn't even break the skin!
Rita did a very good job and after watching her, I took a shot at the backyard - no flowers to worry about cutting down. I did really well, if I do say so myself. The yards look fabulous! Rita and I also transplanted two lilac bushes from her backyard to my front yard. Her mother had planted several a few years back, but these two were too close to a fence. They now are placed to become a small hedgerow between our house and the neighbors on the other side. Lilacs are a big deal in Rochester, so now I feel like we're real Rochesterians! And I feel like a real gardener: I wacked weeds, cut grass, dug up and re-planted bushes, looked at growth in my veggie bed, got rid of dead wood from around my honeysuckle in the back, and removed two dandilions from my flower bed in front. I'm not a pro yet, but I am so much better than I ever thought I would be . . . and I'm having a lot of fun!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Thing of Beauty and a Joy Forever
Though I could not wait for Michele to see Star Trek, I have been drawing on deep stores of will power to resist seeing X-Men before she comes home. It's been out a whole week and I have held myself back (of course the pain of waiting for X-Men is nothing compared to the pain of waiting the two days I did wait to see Star Trek). When Michele comes home, we have plans to see X-Men, Transformers, Angels and Demons, and another long awaited sequel: Terminator. Of course, to prepare for Terminator, Michele needs to watch all the previous Terminator movies - again, she's not a fan - which will be quite a birthday gift to me. She's never liked Arnold, but since he's not in this one it's not a problem (but don't get me started on how irresponsible to his fans I think he was when he decided to become governor. I mean he left the last movie primed for a sequel and then decides to run for office!! OK, OK, I won't get started.). Needless to say, we will have an action packed few days during Michele's first home time. Oh, and did I mention that we will be seeing Star Trek together when she gets home. I, of course, won't mind seeing it again and Michele insists on seeing it with me, so who am I to argue?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Football Season
Gardening Lessons
I should be in a children's book: See Michelle garden. See Michelle grow and change and be good. The adult version would be: See Michelle garden and attempt to overcome all her neuroses and accept that the growth of plants and presence of bugs and bunnies is entirely out of her control.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Something's Growing
Monday, May 4, 2009
Haunted by Little Bunny Foo Foo
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Garden Miracles
This is that same side now. Isn't it an amazing transformation! I'm actually responsible for the disappearance of the three pruning victims. I got to whip out my power tools and made quick work of getting rid of those. The rest was all Gloria.
We did most of the work in this bed on Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday, we added the blocks to protect the flowers from my insane lawnmowing skills. Then, in a fit of midnight gardening, we added the Marigolds - in the dark! I looked this morning, and they looked great!
On Friday, we also tackled the right side. This is how it looked before. Pretty barren and dead, right? Well, take a look at the "after."
We even lined the walkway with annuals and perennials - and I even know what those are now!
Michele and I now have one of the most envied yards on the street. In fact, a lady drove by and said that and we'd barely even started. We have azaleas and rhododendrons, and a whole bunch of other plants and flowers that I can't remember the name of - oh, wait, Marigolds, of course. And, we planted a Japanese Flowering Quince in the middle of the front yard - and I dug the hole for it!
We also put in a vegetable garden in the back yard. I picked out all the seeds and planted most of them, too! I'm calling it my salad garden, as I am growing tomatoes (not from seed), bell peppers (also, not from seed), cucumbers, zucchini, beans (not like kidney beans, but green beans, wax beans, and some purple/black green bean shaped beans), lettuce (five different kinds - and from seed! who ever knew lettuce had seeds!), and, of course, the crowning glory of the entire garden, CARROTS!!!!!! I can't wait to eat a carrot that I grew with my own two hands!!
Now my only task is to figure out the lawn. My favorite quote from the entire weekend was when Gloria said, "You all sure don't have much grass in your lawn." My second favorite quote is when Michele and I said, "Hey, if it's green and it's growing, it's grass!" And, yes, we both said it. I, in response to Gloria, and Michele later on the phone when I told her what Gloria said - hey, we're both Geminis named Michel(l)e, we can't help but think alike!! It is true, though, our lawns are full of weeds. I know I could poison them to get rid of the weeds, but I just don't like the thought of that. So, we'll probably keep considering everything growing out there grass and just leave it alone. Hey, at least the dandelions are my favorite color.It was a wonderful weekend and I learned so much! I consider myself a gardener now, albeit a nervous one who has been banned from pruning. Thanks Gloria!! My skills and our garden are much improved!!