Friday, March 26, 2010

Twelve Years and Still Going Strong

Twelve years ago in a quiet, private ceremony in our living room, Michele and I exchanged rings and promises to face together whatever joy and pain came our way. Five years after that we had a slightly more public (and definitely more legal) ceremony on a beautiful mountain in Vermont during which we again exchanged rings and promises. Although my first ring fell apart (we were existing on beans and rice at the time, so we did our best ringwise!), the promises have stayed strong and secure. I have no idea what the next twelve years have in store for us, but I couldn't be more blessed to be sharing them with my very best friend! The journey couldn't be more exhilarating!

Our wedding in Vermont


  1. Congratulation with the anniversary!! Thank you for sharing this with us!! Have a nive easter!! AnneK:-)

  2. Happy Anniversary! Love the pictures - such joy and love there. And Michele with long hair! Hope you have a great day.

  3. Congratulations! May you and Michele have many more happy years together!

  4. Happy anniversary!! Deb

  5. Awww you two were... and are... so adorable! I hope you had a blessed and fun anniversary and I wish you 12 x 12 more! (Wow that would be a lot!)



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