Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Today is my lovely mother's birthday - and the scuttlebutt is that it's one of the big important ones! She'll be here on Friday for her annual birthday-time visit, but I wanted to send her a happy birthday wish via my blog, too! The first picture below is from her annual May visit. She claims she was only smelling the tulips, but it looks like she's picking them to me! The second is a picture is one I found from my big sister's undergrad graduation - about 16 years ago. Obviously that's my sister in the cap and gown, my brother's beside her, our short mother is in the middle, and the tallest on the end, yup, that's me. Happy, happy birthday, Mum!


  1. Great family photo....and what's wrong with being short?

  2. thank you for the birthday wishes good things come in short packages LOL

  3. Great pictures!! Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  4. i remember that picture! and the sad thing is that i still have that dress and those shoes :)



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