Monday, May 17, 2010

Composting is not for the Faint of Heart -or- Was that a Mouse in My Compost Bin?

I was so enjoying working in my yard yesterday. The day was beautiful: sunny, warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt, but cool enough to still work outside. My compost bin did it's duty through the Rochester winter and was now ready to provide me with a good amount of rich wonderful compost. So, I was turning the pile in the bin to access the finished compost and I do believe I saw a mouse! I screamed bloody murder and leapt away from the bin. Rita, my savior and go-to gal for anything I cannot handle in the yard was not home, so I went to beg my other next door neighbor to come help me. I just wanted him to take out the pitch fork and close the lid so that I could pretend I didn't encounter a mouse. He graciously did so and I spent the rest of the afternoon convincing myself that I hadn't really seen a mouse - it was really a leaf that moved as I was turning the compost and from the corner of my eye it LOOKED like a mouse. Oh, how I really want to think that it was a leaf! Then, this morning, I made the mistake of googling it to see if there was any possibility that a mouse could be in my compost bin. BIG mistake!! Story after story of people finding mice in their bins, of people who understood going into it that mice would be something they could expect. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it! I can deal with a lot of things, but not that and I really have no idea what I can do about it! I need to find someone to take care of this for me - this is truly above and beyond my capabilities and tolerances! You know what would be ideal? If I could use one of the Enterprise's transporters to beam the whole mess - mice and all - out into space!


  1. You need to get a kitty. "Heeeere mousie mousie mousie... mrrowwwww.... heeeere mousie mousie mousie..." LOL

  2. Yeah, but the kitties tend to bring you the mousies as a prize and that's worse!!!! Don't even want to remember that image.

  3. All three of my cats are deathly afraid of the outdoors. They are really good at killing socks, but that the extend of their present hunting experience. We have neighborhood cats that spend some time outside, but I don't think they are able to lure the mouse outside the bin. Oy vey!

  4. Minor adjustments being made to the transporter, Captain. Estimate 48 hours until I can beam the evil horde away from planet Wescott,into an eternal orbit around planet poosey.

  5. LOL! Engage! Or should I say "Make it so!" LOL! Or maybe "Beam them up, Scottie!" The safety and security of Planet Wescott must be maintained - it's critical to the survival of the Federation! LOL! :-)

  6. if only you had normal cats! but then again, think about that poor mouse -- he'd found a fabulous, warm place to live all winter with plenty of food, and then this giant came and disturbed everything! :)



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